Wholesale Policies

Buying Phones

  1. View our inventory at www.newaya.com/for_sale
  2. Download a spreadsheet of the inventory (Download button at top right)
  3. Highlight the rows of devices you want. Put your offer in the "Offers" column
  4. Email the spreadsheet to sales@newaya.com and we'll create an order for you

Minimum Order

  • Domestic Orders: $1,000
  • International Orders: $5,000


See our grading details here: Newaya Grading


We accept Wire Transfers and PayPal (3% fee added).


We ship via UPS (Ground, 2 Day, and Overnight). If your order is paid before 1PM MST, it will ship same-day.


We offer a 14-day warranty on any device issues that are not-as-described. There are no returns on repair stock if you've done any work to the device whatsoever. We guarantee that our device's ESNs will stay clean forever, and we will exchange a bad ESN phone at any point if a device was sold as clean.